Tuesday, May 3, 2016

**CORRECTION** Employment and resource opportunities for youth 16-24- 100k Opportunities Fair

Please note change on location
Subject: Employment and resource opportunities for youth 16-24- 100k Opportunities Fair



Hello WorkSource partners,


The WorkSource Business Services Team would like to share information on the 100K Opportunity Fair for Youth.    This will be at the At WaMu Theater at CenturyLink Field on May 5th from 9am to 4pm.  The first 1000 youth that sign up are guaranteed an interview.

See details below:


Please share this with your organization and anyone on your network that could share it with youth that could be interested.

Subject: Employment and resource opportunities for youth 16-24



Please pass on this information to your staff in the WorkSource and College system, who are working with youth ages 16-24!  I’m attaching a flyer of the event and a message that might answer some of your questions.


The Seattle Opportunity Fair is an employer led coalition that is partnering with the City of Seattle, King County, Educurious, the Community Center for Education Results & the Roadmap Project, United Way of King County, and other key partners to host the fourth Opportunity Fair on May 5 at the Century Link Field Event Center. It will be an inspirational day of connection and empowerment, both to more than 20 leading companies, and also a full suite of services, workshops, and inspiration to help break down barriers for youth. Check out this video from a recent Opportunity Fair to learn more.


The first youth to register can guarantee an interview – there are more than 1,000 interviews available, and even more walk in interviews, and employers are prepared to make ON THE SPOT OFFERS.


What:      Opportunity Fair with job interviews & on-the-spot offers, mock interviews, resume and application computers, clothing assistance, training resources, mentorship, food, and more!

When:     May 5, 2016; 9 am to 4 pm; come for the whole day or just a few hours!

Where:   WAMU Theater, Century Link Field Event Center

Who:       Targeting Opportunity Youth (16-24 year olds)

Help:             info@100kopportunities.org